Thursday, March 5, 2020

Top 10 Innovative Ways to Enhance Learning for Students

Top 10 Innovative Ways to Enhance Learning for Students Our educational system is vast and complex. Implementing innovations to stimulate and strengthen educational system is not simple. Here are a few innovative ways to enhance the learning in the modern age where the entities like student, tutors, institutions and parents need to move out of the confined classrooms. Project-based Tutoring: It is the way of educating students beyond the textbooks to study complex topics with real-time case study. Unlike learning from traditional book-based instructions, project-based tutoring allow students to collect information from the Internet and expert interviews. The entire curriculum can be covered into multiple projects where students can present his learning acquisition beyond the school including parents and community groups. Integrated Learning: The subjects like history, art and literature are interwoven. A student should reach across the confined boundaries in the name of subjects and explore the relationship through integrated learning. Integrated learning should allow students to learn subjects beyond the simple text and numbers to include color, graphics, animation, and music. Sharing knowledge: Teamwork among students help collaborating with team members. Each student in the team is responsible to learn the topic and deliver it to other team members. Knowledge sharing develops emotional and social skills forming valuable foundation for their lives as a wise citizen. Comprehensive Assessment: Test is an opportunity to learn from the mistakes and improve the scores. Assessment should include detailed and continuous assessment of the student strengths and weaknesses. A student, teacher and parent can monitor academic assessment and focus on improving weak areas. Intellectual and Emotional guide: With increasing curriculum, teachers can spend less time in molding student emotionally and intellectually. The teachers should be a coach or guide to take the student through the learning process. They should give attention to nurture students’ interest and self-confidence to seek any additional challenges. Sharpen Teachers’ skills Teaching skills should continually sharpen their lessons and tips from other teachers by attending seminars and conferences. They should spend time in refining their tutoring skills under the guidance of other expert teachers. Technology: Using technology smartly to modernize the curriculum, include creative tutoring methods and increase parents’ involvement. Online tutoring now includes lesson plans and classroom demonstration to educate in more productive and creative way. Software tools like interactive whiteboard, voice based training email, voice mail helps teachers, students and parents stay in close touch. Restructure Resources: Resources like facilities, time and money should be restructured. The education should not be confined to 45-minute period but should be available for help on demand. Schools should conduct camps and activities in summer vacations for teachers’ development, student activities, parenting classes and community use. Parents Involvement: The parent is the first guide when stay involved to build strong alliances with schoolwork gives motivation to the student results in better performance. Educational institutions should inform parents about their goals, importance of good performance of each child and ways to assist their child in their classroom and homework lessons. Community Partners: Educational institutions and students should partner community organization, museums, government agencies, businesses and industries to provide critical information, technology and real time experience for teachers and students. Institutions can enlist professionals who act as mentors for students and teachers.

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